Retro Ultralyd Aromaterapi Diffuser
Kort beskrivelse:
Enjoy the ultimate aromatherapy experience with the Retro Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffuser. Powered by a power cord (included), this cute little diffuser’s chic design makes it perfect for any room. This ultrasonic aromatherapy diffuser will allow you to diffuse your favourite essential oils at your desk, by your bed side or any other small space. Features Two level mist settings Runs 4-6 Hours (Run time varies depending on mist setting used) Moisturize and refresh the air quality wit...
Product Detail
Enjoy the ultimate aromatherapy experience with the Retro Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffuser. Powered by a power cord (included), this cute little diffuser’s chic design makes it perfect for any room. This ultrasonic aromatherapy diffuser will allow you to diffuse your favourite essential oils at your desk, by your bed side or any other small space.
- To niveaus tågeindstillinger
- Kører 4-6 timer (Køretiden varierer afhængigt af den anvendte tågeindstilling)
- Fugt og opfrisk luftkvaliteten med kølende tåge
- Anvender avanceret ultralydsteknologi og et smart design
- Diffuser virker ved at bruge ultralydsteknologi til at bryde vand op, og æteriske olier/aroma blandes til ekstremt fine mikropartikler og spreder aroma ud i luften som tåge uden varme.
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