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Víko z borového dřeva s kouřovou malbou

Víko z borového dřeva s kouřovou malbou

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Good supplier will save you a lot of time and money. We have 15 years of production experience in all the candle related parts. The main markets are Europe, Oceania, North America Blielive me,We will make you feel a great and unique experience Outstanding is one of the market leader for frangrance diffuser related products  business in China since 1999,like candle and diffuser.with our 3 factories 500 workers and more than 30000 designs “Quality us our culture” 90% of candle and ...

  • Min.Order Množství: 100 Kus / Kusy
  • Dodávka Schopnost: 10000 kus / kusy za měsíc
  • Platební podmínky: L / C, T / T
  • Detail produktu

    Good supplier will save you a lot of time and money. We have 15 years of production experience in all the candle related parts. The main markets are Europe, Oceania, North America

    Blielive me,We will make you feel a great and unique experience

    Outstanding je jedním z lídrů na trhu v oblasti frangranských difuzorů souvisejících s produkty v Číně od roku 1999, jako je svíčka a difuzor.ws našimi 3 továrnami 500 pracovníků a více než 30000 návrhů

    “Quality us our culture” 90% of candle and diffuser production equipment us important from JAPAN and GERMANY.

    if you want to more, easy let me know

    candle lids metal
    candle lids wholesale

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